About Svayam Accessibility Awards 關於獎項
Instituted on 25th October 2010 by Svayam- Global Centre for Inclusive Environments, New Delhi, India, and supported by Jindal SAW Limited, Svayam Accessibility Awards are an effort to promote and recognize the concept of Accessibility and Universal Design in all spheres of our lives to make way for livable communities – in both rural and urban landscape. [ Svayam無障礙獎(Svayam Accessibility Awards)於2010年10月25日,由印度新德里 Jindal SAW 有限公司旗下的Svayam共融環境全球中心所成立。此獎項致力於宣導無障礙理念與倡導無障礙環境的普及。希望未來不論是城鄉間或在生活之各個層面都能成為一個無障礙的友善居住環境。]
The awards are conferred on the organizations and individuals who have shown consistent commitment towards providing accessible infrastructure for all. These awards play a pivotal role in providing the right impetus to the development of inclusive infrastructure and related policies and practices ensuring that accessibility initiatives are sustainable and meaningful. [此獎項主要授與在無障礙基礎建設上持續有貢獻的機關團體或是個人,為要促進無障礙理念在基礎建設面、政策面及執行面造成影響並永續發展。]
The awards are an attempt to recognize the efforts of the potential organizations and to encourage them to reach their highest potential to ensure universal accessibility for all. This is also to encourage other organizations to be in pursuit of achieving universal access in their infrastructure, products and services that leads to making a community livable for all. [此獎項也肯定機關團體在無障礙領域的努力,並鼓勵參加者發揮最大潛力,將無障礙理念普及化。希望藉此鼓勵也讓其它組織在基礎建設、產品及服務等各方面朝無障礙的友善社群而努力。]
Thematic Areas Covered 涵蓋主題 :
Currently the Awards cover the following thematic areas/categories [無障礙獎包含下列主題獎項] :
- Most Accessible Public Transport (whether managed by Government, Private or PPP model) [ 最佳無障礙公共交通獎(不限於政府、民間企業團體,或公私協力模式等辦理方式)]
- Most Accessible Municipality// Local Development Authority [最佳無障礙城市(鄉鎮縣區)獎]
- Most Accessible Hotel/Guest House (Hospitality) [最佳無障礙旅遊住所獎]
- Most Accessible Tourist Attraction /Most Accessible Heritage Site (whether managed by Government or private or PPP model) [最佳無障礙旅遊景點/文化遺產古蹟獎(政府、民間企業團體,或公私協力模式等辦理方式皆可)]
- Best Practice Project around Accessible Mobility and Transport Awards: In addition to any of the above categories, the awards are open for initiatives taken in promoting inclusive education, inclusive employment, inclusive para-transit systems, inclusive housing, inclusive designing/invention of products/services, etc. [無障礙交通運輸卓越實踐方案獎:除上述獎項之外的其它交通運輸實踐領域,如教育、就業、輔助客運系統、住房、設計/發明,或產品/服務創新等。]
Selection Process 評選過程
The selection will take place in two phases, with a pre-selection/screening in the first phase followed by a final selection. Applications that are non-serious, incomplete, not of required merit or not supported by testimonials, etc will be filtered out/ rejected in the first phase itself. In the final phase, a jury composed of International Panel of Experts will assess the shortlisted entries/ applications. The selected finalists in different thematic areas will then be felicitated at the award ceremony during TRANSED 2018. [評選過程分為兩階段,第一階段為篩選階段,第二階段為最終評選階段。舉凡送件不完整或未達所規定標準的申請,將在第一階段被篩選排除。獲選進入第二階段的作品將由國際專家所組成之評審依以下標準進行評分。並將於TRANSED 2018國際大會時頒獎給各主題獲得入選者。]
Evaluation Criteria | 評選標準
The marks distribution for evaluation shall be based on [評分標準如下] : –
Area of Evaluation 評分標準 | Percentage % |
Methodology of the Project 專案執行方法 | 50% |
Project scalability 專案的可擴展性 | 20% |
Does the project promote independence, mobility & participation of all in civic life 專案是否促進公民生活的參與、自立及便利性。 | 10% |
Were local people/ persons with disabilities/ relevant stakeholders involved in design of concept 在地身心障礙者或相關服務產業是否參與設計討論。 | 10% |
Is the project sustainable 專案永續性 | 10% |
Award inlcudes [無障礙獎] :
A trophy along with citation in favour of the organization to be conferred upon the winning organization during the Award Ceremony to be held on the side-lines of the TRANSED 2018. [得獎者將在2018年TRANSED會議期間舉行的頒獎儀式獲得獎杯與相關獎勵。]
Who Can Apply? 申請對象
- Individuals 個人
- Organizations- Government or Private 政府或民間團體
- Municipal Authorities/Development Agencies 鄉鎮區縣市政府
- Public Sector Undertakings 公營事業
- Public Private Partnership models 公私協力模式方案參與者
- Non-Government Organisations 非政府/非營利組織
- Proprietorship firms, etc. 私立企業
Call for Nomination for Svayam Accessibility Awards 2018 for Taiwan are open till 15 September 2018
For call for nomination for agencies located in Taiwan, please visit Here.
Previous Awards 歷年得獎紀錄
- Svayam Accessibility Awards 2012, New Delhi, India [2012 年Svayam無障礙獎(印度,新德里)]
- Svayam Accessibility Awards 2015, Lisbon, Portugal [2015年Svayam無障礙獎(葡萄牙,里斯本)]
For local queries and more information, please contact 任何進一步相關方面問題,請聯絡 :
TRANSED 2018 Secretariat
Ms. Ivy Chen
Tel: +886-2-2230-6670 ext.: 2003
電話:+886-2-2230-6670 ext:2003