People with reduced mobility and ability face the most difficulties even in the most basic aspects of day to day living. From running daily errands to fulfill their own needs to obtaining education and enabling themselves for a better future — there’s a hurdle that they need to overcome in order to live an independent life with dignity. But there are a number of ways in which we can help not just a particular section of the community but the entire society and enable them to live a self-sufficient life.
- Raising awareness — Attitudinal awareness can prove to be a transformative change for people living with reduced mobility. The attitude of people living in the society can be restraining and prevent them from living life to the fullest. Therefore raising awareness about the same has proven to not only normalise it but promote accessibility.
- Build accessible infrastructure- building accessible infrastructure both private and public is imperative for a truly accessible community. It allows people to access places of education, income, and healthcare with ease. An inclusive society includes all of these.
- Accessible transportation- Transportation in the modern world is extremely important for people to live the modern life. Any means of transportation that is not accessible can be an obstacle for those with reduced mobility or ability. Transportation can be made more accessible by including audio cues, Trail signage, guided parts et cetera that will allow people to commute with you whether it is to their workplace for educational premises for banks et cetera in this way we can surely ensure that accessibility is present not just within a city or a nation but in between them as well!