People with accessibility barriers, especially those with reduced mobility, reduced ability perceived in the form of reduced hearing , face major hurdles when it comes to communication.
This communication spans over physical environment, online form of communication whether it is web accessibility or communication while transportation, at educational institutions or public offices.
All audiences gain from accessible communication because it makes information plain, straightforward, and understandable. It takes into account the numerous obstacles to information access and offers options to everyone.
There are a number of aspects where access in communication can be practised with ease whether it is
– public libraries
– Communication between people
– Documents available to the public
– sites and tools and/or services available on the internet
– Videos
– Educational institutions
– Railway, airports, bus stands etc.
– Public parks etc.
– Tutorials that lead you through the process
– Surveys and testing carried out online
– The use of a telephone
– Use of online forums and communities
There are a number of ways in which communication can be made more accessible-
- Using audio cues
- Employing braille signage for easier communication
- Use a variety of media and text to appeal to a wide range of learners.
- For digital photographs, make sure to always utilise alternative tags that describe the image
- Web accessibility using a number of international standards would allow for a greater number of people to interact and learn.